Our Guitar

There are memories that we fear and run away from all our lives. But we also find solace in memory, often in unexpected ways, as unbidden images return from our past.

When I was living in Kolkata as a young man a few years back, I was given this guitar by my then friend, later a girlfriend and now no one…as a birthday gift.

I kept my promise of playing it for her on a special day when I have learned it.

A year later I left Kolkata to never return again with my memories and that guitar.

On last Christmas party at my home, I was visited by all my near and dear ones which included my friends, family and colleagues.

One my guests were intrigued by the same guitar kept in one corner of my drawing room. She asked if she can play.

I replied, No! You cannot.

My daughter has grown up and I am content in my life and the guitar still belongs to her.

This photo was clicked a year back. Is he also playing for someone? or His friends? on a Special Day!

One thought on “Our Guitar

  1. magnanimous February 3, 2016 / 8:43 am

    কেন শুধু শুধু ছুটে চলা
    একে একে কথা বলা
    নিজের জন্য বাঁচা নিজেকে নিয়ে
    যদি ভালবাসা নাই থাকে
    শুধু একা একা লাগে
    কোথায় শান্তি পাব কোথায় গিয়ে
    বল কোথায় গিয়ে……

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